Part Deux: Who you gonna call?

If you are like me, you use the internet to answer just about any question you don’t have an immediate response to.  Figuring I would turn to Al Gore’s greatest invention once again, I Googled “my samsung washer exploded” just for kicks to see what popped up:

I was sort of taken aback when I realized I was just the most recent in a long line of customers whose Samsung washers had suddenly turned to the dark side.  I had so many questions-

  • Is there a support group for families devastated by this trauma?
  • Does Samsung know or even care?
  •  Which part of Obamacare covers this sort of thing?

Scoffing at the modern conveniences of email and the internet, my wife and I turned to our trusty phones and started making calls:

Lowe’s Service Center

Mama Llama made our first call of the day to Lowe’s Service Center.  After explaining the condition of the washer and sending a few pics, she was told we were looking at $600 in repairs (the machine cost $750.)  We started to ask which Nobel prize winner in engineering worked for the Lowe’s service department that could piece this thing back together, but thought better of it and hung up.

State Farm Insurance

I called my local State Farm rep whom we have homeowner’s insurance with and talked to a secretary.  After explaining the incident and assuring her that I was in fact not presently high, she said she would have to check with our agent and get back to me.  She ended the conversation with what felt like “by the way your deductible is $1,100 so suck it.”

Our Local Lowe’s Store (Place of purchase)

I called our local Lowe’s store to talk to a manager.  After getting their operator, I was informed the manager was currently busy.  I asked for his voicemail, and was told that he didn’t have one (telephone problems will become a recurring theme in this story).  I was a little shocked that a billion dollar, multinational company couldn’t afford basic voicemail for its management team, but I told her I would call back.  Later that day I did in fact reach a manager and scheduled a time to come and meet with him.  I explained the story on the front end, and hoped beyond hope that he wouldn’t meet me at the front door with a power tool to defend himself from the crazy guy claiming his washer committed suicide.

Part 3 continues next, after a word from our sponsors. . .

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